What is a Hip Arthrogram MRI?

So, you're been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and they send you off to get a "Hip Arthrogram MRI". This recently happened to me. No one told me what to expect. Here's the deal.

I was sent to a hospital for this procedure. The arthrogram comes first, the MRI second. If you're claustrophobic, you might want to consider a sedative for the MRI portion of this event.

First, the arthrogram.

Basically, in a hip arthrogram, they will stick a needle in your hip and inject dye. First, I was stripped and put in a hospital gown. Then I had to lie down on a big table with an x-ray machine lookin' thing above it. Then, my joint was marked with a marker and the whole area was liberally painted with betadine. Your knickers will be destroyed ladies, betadine stains.
Then, an anesthetic was injected into my hip area. This just pinches a little. While the anesthetic takes effect, they will mix up a little dye/lidocaine cocktail to inject into the hip joint. This injection has to be perfectly lined up with your hip socket because the needle has to actually get into the hip joint. My guy had to do this about 3 times to get it right. I would recommend not looking at the needle. Yes, it is big. Also, Yes, this does hurt. It's not agony but is sure as hell isn't comfortable. Once the needle is in the right spot, the injection can start. This is good b/c there's another anesthetic mixed with the dye. This kills the pain you feel from having a 20 gauge needle in your hip joint.

Next, the MRI.

From the arthrogram room you will be wheeled to the big MRI machine. I have had 2 hip MRIs in 2 different machines. I am 5'8" and in the first machine I was ENTIRELY INSIDE the MRI machine. The MRI machine is a big tube which you lay on a shelf inside. The ceiling of the tube is about 3-4 inches from your face and you can not move. This was very uncomfortable for me. My most recent MRI was soooo much nicer. In this machine, My whole head and neck was outside of the MRI machine. I had no problem with this at all.
The first MRI I had was for both hips and it took about 90 minutes. This last MRI was only for my right hip and took about 35-40 minutes.

After effects.

The MRI has no after effects. I was very sore for about 2 days after my arthrogram, though. I had my hip arthrogram on a Friday and I was fully recovered by Sunday afternoon. My hip was just really, really sore. It also felt kind of bloated. weird.

There you go! That's what I know. Let me know if you have any questions.

-----------added 12/15/09-------------
Also - be sure to read the comments section. Apparently Hip MRI/Arthrograms are different everywhere and we've gotten a lot of really great descriptions of different experiences in the comments section of this post. Bottom line - its not great, but its not awful (unless you have a tech who takes 3 tries to get the needle in place) - you can do it!!! xoH

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