6 Months Post-Op

Well, it's been 6 months since my RPAO. Here's the update:

I can now walk MILES at a time.
My right side is still sore and feels kind of bruised.
I have partial numbness over the entire front and side of my right hip, but this is way better than immediately post-op when I had total numbness in a large percentage of the area.
My left side is still giving me trouble, but only very sporadically.
In the last few weeks, my right side has also given me a bit of trouble, but not very often and not for very long.
I STILL can't sleep on my right side with making the bruised feeling more intense.
BTW, I have 5 screws in the right hip and my surgeon gives me funny looks when I ask about screw removal.
I feel fairly certain that I will have to do the left side as well, but hopefully its not for at least a few years.

That's about it. There's really nothing else to say. I absolutely advocate the surgery. I have no regrets about it. you can e-mail me with any questions at itsalikelystoryATgmailDOTcom.


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