I'm Back from the Hospital

Okay. I am back. I just got home a couple of hours ago and am really tired but I will try to post a scar picture tomorrow.

So far, here's the deal: I remember nothing about the operation. I had an epidural and a general but woke up from the anesthesia about 30 minutes after I was wheeled into recovery. When I woke up, I did hurt. But not as much as I thought I would. I just felt cruched over to the side. They gave me a morphine shot and I was fine and chatty a few minutes later. All in all I have been in very little pain. I did have a self administered morphine drip but I only used it occasionally. I was off of the epidural and morphine on Friday and on the oxycontin and oxycodon. The first day was a bit tough, but my pain never really got beyond a 5 and usually stayed b/w 2-4 (on a scale of 1-10).

Bad Stuff:
The only bad part was after they took out my catheter I got a UTI and peeing was agony. That took about a day to work out. I also got REALLY nausiated on Saturday. MUSC has the worst food I have ever been subjected to so I wasn't eating much. I mean, I don't know about you, but a steaming plate of smothered chicken and grits with cabbage does not do it for me the day after surgery. I pretty much had to live on PB and J. Pile on top of that a whole host of meds and I guess anyone would get sick.

Good Stuff:
Otherwise, I am pretty good. I am propped up in the recliner (which was absolutely necessary) and my pain is very very manageable. I am already skipping most of my oxycodon (I am allowed 1 every 4 hours and I am taking about 1 every 8-12 hours) but the oxycontin is necessary. I feel clear headed though. The only thing that really sucks right now is using the bathroom. We were sent home with a potty-chair which can double as a shower seat or triple as a bedside commode. It may have to be a bedside commode for a few evenings. The bathroom is pretty difficult to navigate with the walker. Oh, little recommendation, when on the potty chair or toilet, prop up the bad leg with something about 4-6 inches high (a flipped over trash can, a piece of tupperware, whatever) it really helps. Oh, and lean back. You'll see.

Weird Stuff:
My R Hip is totally numb in a large area. My doctor has the bedside manner of an orthopedic surgeon (pretty condecending and strangely non-chalant, no offense to any of the kind ortho folk I know out there), so when I asked him when I should expect feeling to return he told me not to worry about it but implied that it might never return. Nice, thanks for the heads up. Also, my scar which he said would be about 4 inches running across my thigh, instead runs about 8 inches from my upper thigh up to parallel with my belly button. Not exactly what I prepared for but I guess I don't really care so long as he got "perfect placement" and I can function like a normal person in 3-6 months. Right? Right!

That's it for now. Feel free to ask questions in the comments and I will respond as best I can.
Gross pictures tomorrow (hopefully)!

PS- Jennifer, It's not that bad. You'll do great.

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