I Took It To The Limit...

And now I am SORE!

Yesterday was very exciting. I decided, enough was enough. If I spent one more days inside, in my chair, someone would die. So, I took a shower, got dressed and we went OUT!!! First to Bed, Bath and Beyond for new curtains, then off to lunch at The Bookstore Cafe (if you're in or near Charleston - stop by - the food is sooo freakin' good), finally to Publix for a bit of grocery shopping. We went home and then back to Bed, Bath and Beyond to exchange a faulty curtain rod, then home again. Now, before you are extremely impressed with my apparently massive upper body muscles, I used wheelchairs in both stores. However, I was boggled by how self absorbed people are. No one got out of my way, when I was on crutches or in the wheelchair, even when I asked! All of the handicap parking was taken up, often by cars with no handicap permit.
It was maddening and ridiculous.

And I am sooooo sore today. My arms are sore, my sides are sore and my operated side arse cheek is sore. so very sore.

So perhaps this 4th of July, I will gratefully and willingly spend the day inside, in my chair.

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